

Hi there!!!

Welcome to Cloud Runway, the blog. I am Izzy, Founder of this very baby brand, and I am thrilled you’re here.


I could bore you and tell you a whole book on how my love for fashion and desire to empower women led me to start this brand…

That is of course 100% true, but I am going to skip writing that book, and if I am lucky enough to have you stick around, I’ll show you what my brand is all about. 


Cloud Runway is still growing and I am still researching and developing an identity.

I value peace, freedom, integrity, individuality, humor and inclusivity.

I want anyone who stops by any Cloud R platform to feel included and celebrated. 

There will be fashion, food, travel, adventure and more on this blog.

We will also showcase and talk about our products on Cloud Runway and show you how awesome they are. 


Our first creation was our debut line of tees titled “Women of the World”.

I wanted to honor the women in my life who have taught me how to nurture the good in me, which in exchange allows me to be good to others.

I wanted to honor the diversity in my life and talk about them, their hearts, experiences, and cultural backgrounds.


Our first campaign was “Alice in Wonderland” themed.

Every women has a daydreamer in her, an Alice.

We crave magic, a stress-free environment complete with fairies, freedom and beauty. A beauty that manifests into physical form, and smiles back at us in the mirror.

We want to feel silly without feeling mad. We want to be who we are without being judged at the tea party. ;) 


The tees you see in this campaign were beautiful prototypes, and 90% are now available to shop.

They all donate to a cause. Some of them went through some aesthetic changes, but are still perfect.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Cloud Runway!!!!!


Photography by Landrum Studios Photography

Styled by Izzy

Izzy Bonilla